Monday, August 8, 2022

Amayui Labyrinth Meister - Complete English Patch

This is a post announcing the release of the Complete English Patch for Amayui Labyrinth Meister. This consists of the following:
  • The English Dialogue Patch mentioned in the previous post.
  • ZAP's Interface Patch.
  • All of the H scenes, which were previously compiled into an unannounced H Scene Patch for testing purposes.
    • This contains the remaining ~4078 lines, or 15.26% of the dialogue.
  • The Complete English Patch still has errors, but many have been reported and fixed.
Once again, this is not to be confused with the MTL patch released by Ars_Arcanum.

Download and Install Instructions

Download Link (it's the same link as last time, but I moved the folders around.)

For players who already have the game installed, follow only step 6 of the install instructions unless you also need to install Append content.

Note that updating the dialogue files at all (which this patch does) will probably make any save in the middle of a dialogue sequence unplayable. This issue appears to be unique to this Eushully game. Please do not save during a dialogue sequence.

Install the game and its components in the following order:
  1. Install the base game.
  2. Install Append 1
  3. Install Patch 1.03
  4. Install Append 2
  5. Backup all BIN and AGF files in the game folder by copying them into another folder.
  6. Unzip the folder with the Complete Patch and copy its contents into the game folder, overwriting as needed.
As always, remember to install Japanese Supplemental Fonts (in Optional Features) and run the game while your PC is in Japanese locale (or use a locale emulator). Do not enable the Unicode-8 compatibility option if you set your system locale to Japanese!! This should address most common issues with running the game.


This specific patch would not have been possible without the help of many people:
  • Asmodean and SaintLouisX, for developing the tools that allow data files to be accessed and edited.
  • Zoltanar for the Interface Patch (which was also worked on by myself, Syuya, and Danielson) and also for providing a vital tool that greatly improved the efficiency of the translation process and will make future proofreading easier.
  • Beetz, Danielson, and others for going above and beyond in terms of providing moral support and bug reports.
  • The rest of the Eushully Crew Discord for providing moral support and a platform to promote the patch. While bug reports have slowed down (most of the Castle Meister issues have been addressed at this point to be fair), they are quite helpful for getting necessary fixes implemented.
  • Rhapsody Translation for also providing moral support and a little translation help, among other things.
With this, the translation of Amayui Labyrinth Meister has more or less been finished, minus obligatory bug fixing, Below are some future plans and candid personal statements regarding why the H scenes took so long to translate. There will also be some self-promotion. I strongly recommend against scrolling down any further unless you're interested in reading me ramble about various things for some reason.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Amayui Labyrinth Meister - English Dialogue Patch

This is a post announcing the release of the English Dialogue Patch for Amayui Labyrinth Meister. This consists of the following:
  • All main and side story dialogue, excluding H scenes.
  • Append 1 and 2 dialogue, excluding H scenes.
  • Approximately 22637 lines, or 84.74% of all the game's dialogue.
    • This was "translated" over a period of 140 days.
  • Various, probably minor text errors that I definitely added intentionally to maintain reader attention. Please see below on how to report these issues among others. This is primarily why I currently consider the patch to be in a beta state.
This is not to be confused with the MTL patch released by Ars_Arcanum. The methodology for the translation of this patch will be explained in further detail below, but the simple version is it uses edited machine translation that, among other things, fixes obvious mistranslations and translation errors such as the following:

Download and Install Instructions

For players who already have the game installed, follow only step 6 and 7 of the install instructions unless you also need to install Append content. Step 6 and 7 can be done in either order.

Note that updating the dialogue files at all (which this patch does) will probably make any save in the middle of a dialogue sequence unplayable. This issue appears to be unique to this Eushully game. Please do not save during a dialogue sequence.

Install the game and its components in the following order:
  1. Install the base game.
  2. Install Append 1
  3. Install Patch 1.03
  4. Install Append 2
  5. Backup all BIN and AGF files in the game folder by copying them into another folder.
  6. Unzip the folder with the Interface Patch and copy its contents into the game folder, overwriting as needed.
  7. Unzip the folder with the (Beta) Dialogue Patch and copy its contents into the game folder, overwriting as needed.
As always, remember to install Japanese fonts and run the game while your PC is in Japanese locale (or use a locale emulator). Do not enable the Unicode-8 compatibility option if you set your system locale to Japanese!! This should address most common issues with running the game.


This specific patch would not have been possible without the help of many people:
  • Asmodean and SaintLouisX, for developing the tools that allow data files to be accessed and edited.
  • Zoltanar for the Interface Patch (which was also worked on by myself, Syuya, and Danielson) and also for providing a vital tool that greatly improved the efficiency of the translation process and will make future proofreading easier.
  • Beetz for providing the screenshots showing off some highlights of Ars_Arcanum's MTL patch (note that the fault for these MTL gaffes is due to DeepL, Ars_Arcanum should be acknowledged for finding a way to mass replace the text without using the existing tools that are available).
  • The Eushully Crew Discord for providing moral support and a platform to promote the patch. As always, they have also been very helpful with bug reports for this patch and other patches.
  • Rhapsody Translation for also providing moral support and a little translation help, among other things.
Below are some additional details regarding the patch and future plans. I strongly recommend reading the next section if you plan to report issues with the patch.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Amayui Castle Meister - Complete English Patch

This is a post announcing the release of the Complete English Patch for Amayui Castle Meister. This consists of the following:
  • Append Supplement, which covers all Append dialogue.
  • Main Game Dialogue, which covers all Main Game dialogue except Prologue.
  • Prologue Revision, which is the ZAP Prologue Patch with some formatting adjustments and slight editing due to changes in term usage.
  • Sex Scenes, which I did not announce here but it blew up on the internet anyways.
  • Interface Patch Revision, which is a revised version of ZAP's Interface Patch that improves term consistency, tries to fit most text into the interface, and uses names from Kamidori.
Note that the Eushully Wiki has been updated accordingly to accommodate both users of the Interface Patch Revision and the old ZAP Interface Patch.

Download and Installation Instructions

For players who already have the game installed and have an existing patch installed, simply follow Step 6 in the following directions.

Like with all other patches, this is installed after all parts of the game are installed. Install the game and its components in the following order:
  1. Install the base game.
  2. Install Append 1.
  3. Install Patch 1.07.
  4. Install Appends 2-5.
    1. To install Append 4, do the following:
    2. Open "BugBug1712_25thlauncher.exe."
    3. Click the left green panel with Kisnir on it (she has the biggest boobs of the three).
    4. Click the large top right golden panel with Kisnir on it. This will launch the installer and things should be straightforward from here.
  5. Backup all BIN and AGF files in the game folder by copying them into another folder.
  6. Unzip the folder with the translation patch and copy all of the contents into the game folder, overwriting as needed (readme is optional). 
Also remember to install Japanese fonts and run the game while your PC is in Japanese locale (or use a locale emulator). Do not enable the Unicode-8 compatibility option if you set your system locale to Japanese!! In addition, make sure to install Japanese Supplemental Fonts (found under Optional Features). This should address most common issues with running the game.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Amayui Castle Meister - Main Game Dialogue Patch

Approximately 7 months have passed since I released the Append Supplement Patch for Amayui Castle Meister. As promised, I have finished incorporating the rest of my subtitle submissions on VisualNovelReader and have a patch available for those who wish to play Amayui with all dialogue, excluding sex scenes, "translated" into English. Together with the Append Supplement Patch, the amount of patched dialogue is significantly more than what ZAP's Pre-Release 2 patch has to offer.

Here are some additional details about this patch:

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Amayui Castle Meister - Append Supplement English Patch

It has been over a year since I "translated" about 90% of the game's dialogue to make the game somewhat understandable using VisualNovelReader. The intention of doing this project was to serve as a stopgap measure until an actual patch was developed by ZAP and I'm happy to say quite a few people appreciate the work that was done.